Industry News

Reach Full Workplace Potential with a BC Job Grant

At TFM Consultants International, our power engineering specialists and facilities management consultants deliver years of on-the-field experience in a variety of industries including: pulp mills, petrochemical and forestry, as well as building facilities of many types throughout Canada. Having such ... Read more

Why Math is Important for Power Engineers

Regardless of the engineering role you aim to seek employment in, mathematics plays an important part for two basic reasons. Mathematics involves physical science, and within that – engineering Mathematics still needs to be understood regardless of computers, in order ... Read more

The Importance of Risk Assessment Consulting

Risk assessment is a vast undertaking for most industries, and having staff on-site who are trained in risk assessment is pretty rare despite its high level of importance. Which is why TFM Consulting International would like to share with industry ... Read more

The Importance of Thermodynamics in the Workplace

Reducing energy expenditures and implementing eco-friendly endeavors has become a big part of business, and having systems in place and employees who can implement and/or maintain those systems is therefore paramount. Which is where the importance of thermodynamics in the ... Read more

Enhance Your Employability with NAFA Certification

Employability plays a huge role in landing the job you desire, and part of that involves understanding your personal attributes, your chosen career preferences, along with the training required to land the position you want. Which is where we come ... Read more

The Top Benefits to On-Site Training

At TFM, we are proud to provide on-site training throughout Canada for companies looking to help their employees grow within their industry, and improve safety procedures throughout. Although a lot of individuals choose to take courses on their own at ... Read more