
Industry Links

Institute of Power Engineers
This site gives information about Power Engineering across Canada. Get a look and become a member in Canada’s only organization of power / stationary engineers. Read about new regulations and provincial news and updates.

B.C. Institute of Power Engineers
The Vancouver Branch of the Institute of Power Engineers is dedicated to maintaining standards and regulations for the benefit and safety of Power Engineers and the public by interacting with technical societies and with provincial and federal authorities. The Institute is committed to safety, advising the B.C. Safety Authority on changes pertaining to regulations and codes and promoting employment opportunities and education. It is important for all Power Engineers of all certificate classes to become members and support the only organization that works towards the interests of certificated Power Engineers.

The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors is an international organization comprised of the chief inspectors of north american jurisdictions all working towards better safety in the boiler and pressure vessel industry.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers International

Power Engineering Reference Books

Trane™ BC


Regulations and Standards

Boiler Safety Branch BC SAFETY AUTHORITY

Canadian Standards Association International Services

National Institute for the Uniform Licensing of Power Engineers (NIULPE)

Washington State Government Boiler Regulations

Safety Links

Safety First –

Occupational Asbestos Exposure – Boiler Workers

Study Guide

Standarization of Power Engineers’ Examination Committee
If you want to see sample questions on Power Engineering check out SOPEEC. There are a good number of questions there for almost all classes of power engineering.


Job Postings

British Columbia Job Postings