5th class power engineering canada

5th Class Power Engineer Opportunities

Becoming a 5th Class Power Engineer is the first step in a lucrative career as a Power Engineer. There are five levels of Power Engineers in Canada, and getting started as a 5th Class Power Engineer could open up a wealth of opportunities for you.

Power Engineers can make in excess of $150,000-200,000 per year. 5th Class Power Engineers start building their skills, taking on the responsibility of maintaining and operating boilers in commercial heating and manufacturing plants. Some may also choose to train as Refrigeration Plant Operators, giving them the opportunity to oversee refrigeration plants.

At TFM, our 5th Class Power Engineer courses provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to begin an amazing new career. Over three weeks, you will learn to maintain, operate and manage boiler equipment with our accredited programme. Only certified 5th Class Power Engineers can operate commercial and industrial boiler equipment across Canada, so becoming certified will put you in the perfect position to begin an in-demand career.

Where Do 5th Class Power Engineers Work?

5th Class Operators can choose to work in a broad range of environments.

Some of the workplaces that require your skills can include:

  • Recreation Centers
  • Commercial and Residential Buildings
  • Oil industry
  • Paper mills
  • Food industry
  • Schools

Day to day, you will be responsible for operating and maintaining boiler equipment. You will work with others to deliver essential care and maintenance, carrying out inspections, working with people in other departments when necessary, and ensuring all health and safety procedures and processes are followed.

5th Class Power Engineer Course Content

Our 5th Class Power Engineer (Boiler) course covers the following topics:

  • Legislation and Boiler Industry History
  • Canadian Standards Association Code – B51
  • Basic Mathematics (Geometry)
  • Basic Sciences (Mechanics)
  • Thermodynamics
  • Electricity
  • Boiler Construction & Design
  • Boiler Fittings & Controls
  • Water Treatment
  • Fuel & Combustion
  • Boiler Operation
  • Pumps & Pump Maintenance
  • Heating & Cooling Systems
  • Compressors
  • Building & Plant Safety
  • Fire Protection
  • Log Books

Across the three-week course, which takes place in the classroom, you will learn all you need to know through instruction, lectures, photo and video examples, and textbooks. You may also be required to complete homework assignments and continue your study at home.

The course explores both the theoretical and practical knowledge that you need to be a 5th Class Power Engineer.

What Can a 5th Class Power Engineer Earn in British Columbia?

A 5th Class Power Engineer in BC can expect to earn an average of $45,000 to $65,000 per year. These pay levels can be affected by a number of factors, including current demand or shortages, position, and the cost of living in different areas. A Power Engineer working in a metropolitan area might earn more due to higher industry demand and a higher cost of living. Your experience can also affect the salary you’re able to achieve. As you gain more experience, you can start to earn more.

Of course, once you are working as a 5th Class Power Engineer, you can work on gaining new skills and certifications.

Why Choose TFM for Your Power Engineer Training?

TFM delivers top-class Power Engineer training to help you get started with your new career. Our in-person training is certified, preparing you for the Technical Safety BC examination for an interprovincial 5th Class Power Engineer’s Certificate of Competency.

Find out more about our current 5th Class Power Engineer courses and contact us or call 778-873-1050 if you have any questions.